Soccer Nutrition

“Players who ate lots of carbohydrates ran the most and only walked about 25% of the
total distance. Players who ate a “normal” meal covered about 25% less distance and
covered most of it at a walk.”
These guidelines are put in place to help you maximize your performance. It is
important to eat at the right times and to eat the right things. Otherwise, your
performance will suffer, as will be shown later.
If you properly hydrate and feed yourself your performance will improve. Let’s consider
for a moment a few of the variables that contribute to a win. (Not all inclusive)
1. Individual skills with the ball
2. Individual strength, speed, and conditioning
3. Team cohesiveness
4. Team tactics
5. Psychology
6. Eating right
7. Hydrating correctly
Although each of the above does not have an equal value in relation to contributing to a
win, let’s assume that each gets one point. If all of your focus was only put on 1-5 you
would think you would earn 5 points total. But after further analysis, the team that does
not eat right or hydrates correctly will soon realize that #6 and #7 drastically affect many
of the first five. Have you ever had a team with good speed look sluggish and slow
because they did not hydrate enough or eat right the day before a game? Or because of
fatigue for the same reasons athletes don’t make the runs they normally make, thus
killing tactics and cohesiveness? What could happen to the Psychology of an athlete
when they are dehydrated?
Because of correct sports nutrition, you will be able to run longer. You will feel better,
have more energy and have less fatigue. One source said that 30% of all goals come
towards the end of the game. If you can improve all seven of the performance areas and
the others that were not listed you will win more games. In this E-Book, you will
discover a few tips and tricks that are vital to the success of your soccer athletes.
“Athletes tend to have fewer problems with muscle cramping and fatigue when they eat
a nutrient dense meal 2-3 hours before game time.”
Athletes tend to have fewer problems with muscle cramping and fatigue when they eat a
nutrient dense meal 2-3 hours before game time. Nutrient-dense meals are high in carbs (
not candy or soda drink carbs) and some protein, ( turkey, chicken, and other lower fat
meats.). If we eat a meal that is properly nutritious for our bodies then we will feed our
carbohydrate stores. Which translates to better performance during the game. The more
carbohydrates we eat the more glycogen stores we will have which means the further and
faster players run. A diet like Atkins or these other fad diets is not appropriate for
athletic performance. A research study showed that players who ate lots of carbohydrates
ran the most and only walked about 25% of the total distance. Players who ate a “normal”
meal covered about 25% less distance and covered most of it at a walk. Can you guess
who won this game?
If you eat a meal that is too large within two to three hours of a game or intense practice
this may adversely affect your performance and make your stomach feel bad. When you
start to play, the blood that was being used to digest the large meal in your stomach is
now being transported to the working muscles for use. The food will now just sit in the
stomach and may cause adverse effects.
Here are guidelines on when and how much to eat prior to competition. Don’t eat the
listed calories at 3-5 hours and also 2-3 hours and then 1-2 and also .5 to 1 hours prior to
competition. That would be too much. These guidelines suggest that if you eat 3-5 hours
prior to competition then eat 300-500 and if you eat 1-2 hours prior to competition then
have a liquid meal of 100-200 kcals and so on and so forth. These can be adjusted down if
the athlete is smaller. Many restaurants or fast food places have a nutritional guide to
help you select your meals.
3-5 hours prior to the game- large meal 300-500 kcal
2-3 hours prior to game - small meal 200-300 kcal
1-2 hours prior to game- liquid meal 100-200 kcal
.5 to 1 hours prior to game- snack 50-100 kcal
*Bagel, Banana, Cereal bars, Dried fruit, Fig Newtons, Fruit, Graham crackers, Raisins,
White Bread, Subway might be a good place to eat while on the road. Get the whole
wheat bread with turkey or some other lower fat meat and some vegetables.
*Baked potato, Corn, Breadsticks, Noodles, Rice, Baked Beans, Oatmeal, Whole wheat
bread, Peas. (be aware of high-fat sauces for pasta)
In restaurants or at a continental breakfast: hot and cold cereals, bagels, toast, English
muffins, pancake with syrup, and fruit. Einstein bagels would provide plenty of
carbohydrates for eating on the road.
*Candy, Soda pop. These are common foods or drinks that will hinder performance.
Athletes have higher metabolisms than non-athletes. If you eat candy or drink soft drinks
prior to a game, blood sugar may go down which can result in light-headedness, fatigue
or loss of performance. Avoid drinking fluids that contain caffeine because they may
stimulate excess urine production, or decrease voluntary fluid intake. Avoid high-fat
*A day or two before the game pays attention to your urine color. If the urine is clear like
water or the color of lemon juice then that most likely means you are properly hydrated.
The darker the urine the more fluid you may need. The clearer the fluid the better
hydrated you are. Whether your urine is clear or not each athlete should drink a 16-20
ounce water bottle the night before the game, 16-20 ounces the morning of the game and
16-20 ounces 1-2 hours before the game. 16 ounces is 2 cups. You don’t have to drink
the 16 ounces all at one time.
“It is vital that you drink even if you are not thirsty especially on hot days.”
During competition replacing lost fluid is vital to health and performance. Because of the
continuous nature of soccer it is very difficult to properly hydrate yourself during a
soccer game.
Here are some general guidelines to follow if possible that will keep you hydrated and
keep performance up:
During Competition Consume 1 cup cool fluid every 15 minutes (if possible) and
during breaks (it is vital that you drink even if you are not thirsty especially on hot
days) if you wait till you are thirsty it may be too late, you could already be
dehydrated. Flavored sports drinks are not needed unless playing at a high intensity or
if the exercise session lasts 45-50 minutes. So a sports drink would be good for a
Be sure to rehydrate during halftime even if you are not thirsty. Gatorade or other
sports drinks would be a good choice to replenish carbs and electrolytes that were lost
during the first half.
One problem with water is that is can sometimes shut off the osmotic drive (thirst
mechanisms) that you get for drinking. As little as 1 pint of water can turn this
mechanism off even though you may have lost 4 pints of fluid. So you may drink a
little water and not feel thirsty anymore, but in actuality, your body still needs more
water. Therefore thirst is not a good indicator of when you should drink. If you wait
to drink when you are thirsty then it may be too late. You may already be
dehydrated. Also, water doesn’t replace the lost electrolytes which are important in
preventing muscle cramps. Drink plain water throughout the day before the competition
but when it comes to competition it may at times be better to drink the sports drink.
Sports drinks may be superior to water in that it doesn’t seem to turn off the thirst
mechanism. This may be because of the sodium in the sports drink. Sports drinks are
good because they replenish electrolytes, carbs, and fluid all in one. Another reason is
that carbohydrates in fluids have the effect of improving rates of fluid absorption by
the intestines (a 6-7% carbohydrate solution is considered best), and the
carbohydrates also help to replenish the muscle glycogen used during the exercise.
 An athlete can lose performance when he or she loses only 1-2% of their body weight
as fluid. Here are some things to be aware of:: if you weigh 100 lbs. a 2% loss would be 2 lbs. A good way to see if you are keeping your fluids up is to weigh yourself
before the game or practice and then weigh yourself after. If you have lost 2 lbs. then
you have not kept your fluids up.
Recent research (abstract by Smith et al. J. Sports Science 16(5): 502-503) In this
study, soccer players had less fatigue in the second half of a simulated soccer game
when they consumed Gatorade before the game and at halftime. In contrast, players
showed greater fatigue (slower speeds, reduced jumping ability) when they drank the
same volume of fluid without carbohydrate (water). The advantage of Gatorade is that
it supplies fluid and energy. Fluid losses will contribute to fatigue independent of
running out of energy. The concentration (6%) and types of carbohydrate in the
Gatorade help stimulate rapid fluid absorption (Ryan et al. J Appl Physiol 84:1581-8,
'98). The Snickers bar alone will not rehydrate the players. Also, by containing
peanuts and other fat sources, the Snickers bar is not digested rapidly; thus, it's
carbohydrate doesn't get into the body as quick as the carbohydrates in Gatorade. If
the coach is set on feeding the team, I'd suggest foods that get into the body quickly.
Low-fat granola bars or low-fat, high-carbohydrate sports bars would be better than
the Snickers. I'd suggest first trying this approach during a practice scrimmage to be
sure the kids tolerate any food. The use of the sports drink should be continued
regardless of the food practice, again to help maintain hydration while providing
energy. (Craig A. Horswill, Ph.D.)
Athletes must be made aware that energy drinks are not appropriate substitutes for
optimal fuel and fluid and may have no bearing at all on how energized they feel. In
addition, athletes should be educated about these products. For example, some energy
drinks do not contain the stated ingredients (Gurley et al., 2000), many are not cost-effective
means of obtaining carbohydrate, and certain products may actually impair
athletic performance. (Note; there is a difference between energy drinks and sports
drinks, i.e., red bull and Gatorade)
 Hydration is not only important in hot but also cold environments. Be sure your
athletes are drinking during the cold days also.
*Dehydration can seriously compromise athletic performance and increase the risk of
exertional heat injury. That’s why it’s important to recognize the warning signs.
• Thirst
• Irritability
• Headache
• Weakness
• Dizziness
• Cramps
• Nausea
• Decreased performance
-What is the meaning of recovery in sports?
Recovery is the process the athlete goes through to return to a state of performance
readiness. Recovery involves a restoration of nutrient and energy stores, a return to
normal physiological function, a lessening of muscle soreness, and the disappearance of
the psychological symptoms (irritability, disorientation, inability to concentrate)
associated with extreme fatigue. (Dan Benardot, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.)
In competition, it means being able to take part in the next round or event and to perform
at the same or at a higher level. (Ron Maughan, Ph.D.)
What should the athlete do immediately following a game or practice?
After a game or practice do a cool down at submaximal levels. This could be a slight jog
maybe a walk, This will facilitate the removal of lactate that has built up during the
competition and prepare the body for the next game. The athlete should also consume
fluids to replace lost fluid and carbohydrates. It is important to note that if the athlete has
another competition shortly following the event to not eat such a huge meal or not drink
such a large amount of fluid because the meal or liquids may stay in the stomach for the
next competition. The athlete who doesn’t play for another 24 hours doesn’t have to
worry as much about eating a huge meal immediately following the game. The athlete
needs to go through a full body stretching routine also.
What should I eat or drink immediately following the game?
For smaller athletes who have multiple competitions within a day, I might recommend a
200-250 calorie (1 MJ) energy bar or other snack containing mainly carbohydrate, along
with 12 to 16 ounces (350-475 ml) of a sports drink to wash it down. This amount of food
would increase proportionately with the size of the athlete and the situation. I encourage
athletes who are finished for the day to consume 250-400 calories (1-1.8 MJ) of foods
high in carbohydrates (pretzels, bread, fruit) with fluids before they shower, and then to
eat the same amount after they shower and dress. (Dan Benardot, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.)
A good energy bar with lots of carbs and ample amounts of protein would be something
like a PowerBar, cliff bar, Gatorade energy bar. When choosing an energy bar look
for one high in carbohydrates with some protein in it. Don’t buy an energy bar that is
low in carbs and high in protein. The main fuel we are worried about replenishing is the
carbohydrates. As little as 6 grams of protein is good to help the muscles following a
game. More is not better.
Within two hours following game players should replace lost carbs in the body with
about 1 gram of carbs per 1 lb of body weight. If the match is too close to digesting a high
carbohydrate meal then choose from the list below on how to get quick energy for the
next match:
Try combining several of the items below:
• Energy or fruit Bars
• Fresh fruit
• Fruited yogurt
• Bagels, muffins, cereal mixes with dried fruit and nuts
If an athlete feels uncomfortable eating solid food between matches, consider these
convenient liquid options:
• Carbohydrate-rich drink
• Liquid meal
Note: You can combine a carbohydrate drink like Gatorade with an energy bar as listed
When choosing how much to drink weigh yourself before and after the game. If you
weigh 102 lbs. before the game and 100 lbs. after the game, you should consume
approximately 40-50 oz of fluid. 20 oz of fluid for every pound lost. Make sure at least
some of the fluid is a sports drink like Gatorade. A smaller bottle might do the trick. No
soda. One thing that may skew the results of the water lost would be the sweat on the
clothes so if possible remove the sweaty clothes. But weigh yourself with the same
amount of clothes before the game and the same amount after. So if you have shoes on
before have the same shoes on after. If you have a shirt on weighing yourself with the same
size and weight shirt both times.
Consuming carbs during the first 30 minutes of exercise or the game will help in
synthesizing the carbs two times as fast as if you were to wait several hours after the
game. This is crucial if you have a game later on the same day.
Post Game Replace lost fluids immediately after the play. For every pound lost, consume two
cups (16 oz.) of fluid. (Remember this for tournament play especially. Where you could
play two games in a day or a game the next day. Always replenish your fluids lost during
competition. You could weigh yourself before the game then after the game and see how
much water weight you lost then replenish it.)
-Are electrolytes important to speeding recovery after a game?
Electrolyte replacement is crucial. Salts act like a sponge, holding fluid in the body. If
you drink a large volume of plain water, the body thinks that it is over-hydrated because
the water dilutes the concentrations of sodium and other dissolved substances in the
blood. This switches off thirst and switches on the kidneys to increase urine output.
-Sodium is the most important electrolyte as it is the one lost in sweat in the greatest
amounts, and that’s why it is added to sports drinks. (Ron Maughan, Ph.D.)
Sodium in fluids is particularly important because, as Dr. Maughan said, sodium drives
the desire to drink (a good thing), and the sodium also helps to maintain blood volume.
The maintenance of blood volume is considered to be vital to sustaining athletic
performance (Dan Benardot, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.)
Replacement of sodium and potassium can also help prevent muscle cramps during and
after exercise. To be sure they are replacing lost electrolytes, I tell athletes to use sports
drinks that contain sodium, eat ample fruits and green leafy vegetables, and lightly salt
their food (Tedeschi)
Extra note get enough sleep!!!
Tollson , Taylor.Soccer Nutrition.In: `` Elite Soccer Conditioning``( 2007).Pages 5-15.
