About Me

Ivan Markovic
born on January 17,1987 in Krusevac(Serbia).
``Learn, Apply and Share``
is the Moto that drives me since a was a kid.I always tried to find the purpose and meaning of living in the moment and stay in the Positive state the whole Time.I find out that the only thing that Capt me going was the Hunger of educating me and wanting to learn more each day.I think that is the reason why I live now in a Foreign Country (Austria), who have been showing up the most significant Lessons I ever had in my Life so far.My Athletic ability helped me through my Path of finding my higher self and appear as one of my best features I could apply in my day to day basis.My Soccer career and Education at the University of Salzburg for Sports Science and Kinesiology pushed me on going deeper on discovering any single Aspect on how I can improve myself in order to serve others.I can proudly say now after ten years spending here on my own, I had a tremendous privilege working with young Athletes in different Area, who also helped me on collecting the last pieces of a puzzle I need to set it in my life. I realize that the Life is not happening TO YOU, but it is happening TO YOU.That is why I have learned also to appreciate all the Ups and Downs that shaped me through my life.I really hope, that my contribution and knowledge to this Blog can help you improve your life on a day to day basis.That was actually my primary Goal> to stay in touch with you guys, cause I believe this is the only way of keeping the Planet better place.Please, like share and subscribe!Follow me on my Journey and feel free to ask me anything.I will be honored to keep you informed.
     Take Care
   Sincerely yours
    Ivan Markovic 


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