Do I Have to train every day?

No. recovery is just as important as training –
that’s when your muscles grow. You should allow a
24-hour break after every workout. If you are sick or
injured, you should also take time off. Working out
at the wrong time may mean you don’t get stronger
and may need a longer break. If you’re in good
shape, here are four methods to promote recovery.
Stay cool. Cold makes your muscles ready to work
again faster. Pros take ice baths. You can get the
same effect when you place an ice pack on the
affected muscles for 2-4 minutes after a workout.
Wrap a couple of ice cubes in a thin towel and place
on muscles. Any pain dissipates quickly because
cold reduces swelling.
Get wet. A warm bath improves circulation in the
muscles. Try one with relaxing essential oils. Only
have a shower? Pay a visit to a sauna.
Shoot hoops. Basketball is ideal for active recovery.
A few three-pointers and lay-ups relax your biceps
and other muscles. Don’t turn it into a workout!
Play tough games on other days as cardio workouts.
hang out. To become an MH cover guy you have to
think long term. On training-free days don’t feel
you’re being lazy, think of it instead of increasing
your motivation for the next workout. You won’t do
yourself any favors by schlepping into the gym and
doing a half-arsed workout.

8 minute Total Body Workout + DVD
