Theories on why are you getting Tired during workout?

Level of converting ADP into ATP is a key factor to secure enough energy in work involved muscle. Inadequate Carb concentration in our Body lowers the ADP > ATP conversion, which enables muscles to work at high capacity. Besides, a lot of ADP leads also to muscle exhaustion.

A few factors indicate the fact of why are we getting Tired during our Workouts. One of them is an amount of  Amino Acid called Tryptophan that goes through essential Hemato- encephalon barrier which, in that case, provides our body with the high amount of Seratonin 5-HT. 5-HT is a Neurotransmitter that makes us feel more relaxed, and if a dose has been increased people can crave more sleeping hours. Simply said: Mental tiredness causes our body/muscle feel more exhausted.

The low sugar level in our bloodstream and empty glycogen tank in our Muscles can cause degradation of muscle tissue and uneven glycogen muscle supply. One of the cause can be a High breakdown of all Amino Acids chain that ends up with a lower concentration in our blood. BCAA and Tryptophan are fighting for the same receptors which allow them a breakthrough threw Hemato-encephalon barrier. When the level of BCAA is high, leveraging Tryptophan to our Brain is controlled. However, when the BCAA level is low( which is the case when there are in a catabolic state for providing Work energy), Tryptophan can block or take down many other receptors or transmitter and that means; More Tryptophan rich our brain cells, which leads to more 5-HT synthesis.In order to stop such a potential mechanism, our glucose intake must be put under surveillance.
