Collagen Peptides- Source, Properties and Benefits

Collagen Peptides have positive effects on human health and beauty. These effects of supplemented collagen peptide are based on their impact on human collagen, naturally found as one of the most abundant proteins in the body. Human collagen is vital for the elasticity, flexibility, and strength in Skin, tendons, and ligaments, but also in the cornea, bones, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, gut muscle recovery and much more.
 Today, collagen peptides are increasingly used as dietary supplement or active ingredient in nutraceuticals, functional foods, and cosmetics. Collagen peptides are the building blocks of the versatile high protein ingredient gelatin.
  Gelatin is a natural animal-derived food ingredient and traditionally used in human nutrition for hundreds of years. Collagen peptides also called hydrolyzed gelatin or collagen hydrolysate, are soluble in water and show better bioavailability in the human body then gelatin. The diversity of possible applications and innovations increased the interest in a wider variety of collagen peptides with diverse properties. Fish derived collagen peptides received more attention in the recent past due to their favorable characteristics and fewer consumer reservations compared to mammal-derived ingredients.
 Since 1950 various studies report beneficial health and beauty effects of gelatin peptides. In the following review, we will give some background information and summarize recent studies on the positive effects of oral and topical administered collagen peptides on human health and beauty.

 Collagen Peptide supplementation- Effect on health and beauty

Today’s consumers care more about the nutritional value of food products than ever before. They become demanding regarding food quality and nutritional value of their consumed foodstuff. A modern customer not only expect a food to fill up, it should add value to the customer`s well-being.
 Nutraceutical and so-called functional foods, claiming health and beauty effects were shown to have the obvious benefit for the consumer. The market for functional foods has significantly increased in the recent past. Collagen peptides are ideally suitable as dietary supplement and ingreadient in modern nutrition. Various beneficial health and beauty effects have been reported.
 To trust the positive effects of orally administered collagen peptides it has to make evidence that bioactive collagen peptides can pass the body`s natural barrier and reach the targeted tissue. Different scientific studies show evidence for the bioavailability of collagen peptides after oral intake.
 Specific accumulation of labeled collagen peptides in cartilage after oral administration was proven in a scientific study already in the late 90`s. Other studies suggest that bioactive collagen peptides and amino acids reach the blood stream and can further be distributed throughout the body. These findings provide strong support for the research showing beneficial effects of ingested collagen peptides in the human body. Isn`t that awesome!?

I can keep listing all advantages from this great component. It is all bricked down to one simple thing if you ask me, and that Collagen holds all of our body cells together. It keeps them aline. It is also important to know that, after the age of 30, we are all losing Collagen over 1% each year. Which means that after a while our body can not produce any collagen after a certain point of out Life. A perfect example for that are elderly people and their loose skin, so practically sooner or later, we are eventually all going to be forced to take Collagen through our daily nutrition.
