Super Brain, Eye and nervous System Longevity Smoothie


2 tbsp of Bio Manuka Honey

- 100% Manuka Honey from New Zealand is labeled as one of the best based on his minimal 
 Methylglyoxal content. As such a products can be the perfect source of type of Glucose, that our Brain use es eventually as fuel

200g of Natural Coconut Meat - Macapuno

-Coconut meat is a rich source of Omega 3 and Omega 9 Fatty Acids. Those Fatty Acids, as we all know are Anti- Inflammatory. Increase the Brain function and Cognitive capabilities.

500 ml Coconut Water

Take 3 - Fish Oil Capsules for each portion

To increase the biosynthesis of the whole Body. One more source of Omega 3. Just cut each capsule in half and pour the Oil with the rest of the content.

Alpha Lipoic Acid - take 2 capsules

-ALA is one of the most natural bonds between Body and the Free Radical Cells. ALA is also very known as a strong contributor of  Antioxidants.Contains a lot of vitamin C and E, that significantly can help our body to reduce Sugar levels and Insulin resistance as well.

Blueberries  a handful

 Blueberries are just one more option next to ALA. Any kind of Berries in these case can be used, I just took the Blue ones, because there are my favorite ones.Raspberries would I put in second place, for the sake of test quality. 

3 capsules of Mega Hydrate

Mega Hydrate formula can drastically increase the ability to build even new Brain Cells.MH is the protector of the new and Healthy Cells, by keeping the hydration inside the cells much more longer.In such a situation, automatically enhances the ATP  ( Adenosine Three Phosphate) production for a longer period of time, which leads to more Oxygen inside the Cells.More Oxygen means more O2 in the Brain as well which means more performance, more cognitive function, better sleep, less stress Production and the list practically never ends.

Mix all the ingredients in the blender and stir it for 2 up to 3 minutes

