Potassium and its meaning

 What is Potassium?

* Is an essential mineral and major electrolyte found in the human body. It plays an important role in electrolyte regulation, nerve function, muscle control and blood pressure.

Potassium works with sodium to maintain body normal blood pressure. research suggests that increasing dietary potassium may provide a protective effect against hypertension by increasing the amount of sodium excreted from the body.A high potassium intake has also been linked to a reduced risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.

Sources of Potassium

* Potassium is found in many foods, especially those of plant origin such as Oranges, Avocados, bananas, tomatoes. Potassium can also be found in fish, meat, and dairy products. Highly refined items such as Oils, sugars, and fats can deplete the amount of Potassium.

Overall, the most people all over the world are not getting even nearly enough amount of Potassium on an RDA. 

The Adequate intake for one adult person is  4.700mg/day for males and females ages through adulthood as well as a woman who are pregnant.
*Prolonged Exercises, as well exposure to temperatures and conditions that result in excessive fluid loss may require increased potassium intake. Low potassium can cause muscle cramping and cardiovascular irregularities.
Consuming foods high in Potassium can prevent such a problems.One cup of oranges, a banana, or sweet potato is sufficient to replace the potassium lost during two hours of hard exercise.

*However, such a source of potassium contains a lot of carbohydrates + the fructose in all of these fruits. which can cause gaining unnecessary  weight gain, because fructose must be broken down in another process, so that can be used in our body. In most of the cases, it will be stored as sufficient energy for later on.
But if you ask me, there are also lots of greens who can help us increase the potassium intake, without getting an extra portion of carbs os Sugar:

AlphaAlpha, Wheatgrass, Moringa and other 5 components rich in Potassium

Liver Detox super powder

Bio Kale raw powder

Bio Spirulina smoothie powder
