When is the best Time of using BCAA's?

Branched Chain Amino Acids have a non-continuous link of carbon bonds. Essentially having one carbon not is a linear fashion makes a branched point, all branched-chain amino acids have one or more points of non- continuous links.

Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are three branched chain amino acids. All three are essential and the remaining five are phoneline, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, and lysine. Some authorities suggest three is a total of ten essential amino acids including arginine and histidine. Others think that arginine and histidine are conditionally essential and important for the children up to five years old, and for elderly people, sixty and up.The BCAA's are basically 40% of the RDA. At one point the safe levels or the RDA for BCAA's were 20% of the total amino acids requirement. But after a huge amount of studies, it has been revealed and total RDA requirement went up to 40% again.Those involved individuals in all of the studies were Athletes and commonly fasting and normal lifestyle people as well who were not in the quest for more muscle or energy.
                         Recovery Protocol
   Ergonutritive Methode
Isotonic Drinks, Carbs- Proteins and Leucine
Compression underwear/ Active recovery, Statik stretching
Myofascial Practice, Thermoregulation of the body, massage, showers
  Psyology recovery A.K.A good night of sleep

My Top 5 BCAA's formulas in Powder, as well as a Capsel form that is top at the Market at the moment:

BCAA's in 2:1:1 form as Powder

High-dosage BCAA's for muscle building

Great Cherry flavor and also Vegan

Compound with Vitamin B6 in Capsule form

and one more 100% Caps formula with B6 Vitamine from German giant company Olimp

Exercise and BCAA's

Six amino acids are taken into muscle tissue for energy
including Alanine aspartate, glutamate, and the BCAA's. While the BCAA’s have the greatest metabolic potential for energy use in muscle. Muscle tissue has 60% of the specific enzymes needed
for oxidation (burning) of amino acids for energy, specifically BCAA’s. In essence, muscle is designed to burn BCAA amino acids for energy. During exercise, the body uses BCAA’s as energy. The longer and harder the workout the more BCAA’s are used in muscle for energy. It is estimated 3% to 18% of all workout energy is provided by the BCAA’s, while some consider this to be conservative the duration and intensity levels can indicate greater or lesser amount of usage.

The bodies need for the BCAA especially, Leucine is 25 times greater than the free amino pool, or readily available leucine. The free amino pool is free or single amino acids found in skeletal muscle, blood, and cell plasma. (75% is in muscle) Free amino acids are amino acids not bound just ‘waiting’ for use. Because of the great need for Leucine, the body must catabolize or break down muscle for the Leucine needed during a workout. BCAA’s can also be converted to alanine or glutamine
in the muscle. Alanine and glutamine can go through glyconeogenesis in the liver to form glucose. Simply put, be converted to new glucose. Ultimately leucine is one of the major ‘foods’ for

muscle energy during workouts.

Ultrapure L- Glutamine formula in 500g Bag

Muscle tissue Synthesis and effects of Leucine

Certain amino acids have a muscle tissue signaling effect on synthesis. Glutamine and leucine are in this category. Glutamine seems to have the largest response although ineffective if leucine is not present. Leucine has a direct action on stimulation of protein synthesis with activation of insulin and cellular activation. Insulin increases the uptake of all amino acids into cells.
While the major destination for BCAA’s is muscle tissue for energy, the incorporation of BCAA’s into
muscle is dependent on IGF-1. IGF-1 stimulates
muscle tissue synthesis while insulin inhibits the breakdown of muscle and encourages the uptake of
amino acids including BCAA’s. Chronic low levels of BCAA’s will eventually show up in the urine and plasma resulting in loss of muscle mass and protein synthesis capabilities sometimes alopecia.

Supplement Use of BCAA's

BCAA's when consumed in the free form, bypassing the liver and gut tissue and go directly into the bloodstream. Supplemental free forms quickly elevate the blood supply and affect circulating BCAA level. This is especially true when there are low levels of glycogen or stored sugars in the body. BCAA's supplements have shown beneficial effects when taken before and after a workout. 
