What is the most complete and nutritious Food an Earth?

The Structure of Chlorella

Each Chlorella cell is a complete and well- defined unit with a distinctive nucleus enclosed in an envelope. There are organelles outside the nucleus which are altogether enclosed in a well protested thick fibrous cell wall. Like other chlorophyll-containing plants, in perfect growing conditions. Chlorella converts inorganic chemical elements to organic matter by using sunlight through photosynthesis.  Being the simplest, Chlorella forms the first connection in the Earth's food chain.It is a natural, pure, whole food rich in high-quality protein, chlorophyll, fibers, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, nucleic acids and phytonutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Medical researchers have shown that Chlorella has the ability to:
- improve immune system
- detoxify and heal the body
- improve digestion and elimination
- enhance growth and tissue repair, and maintenance
- protect against degenerative and chronic health problems
- slow down the aging process

Organic Chlorella

Chlorella Growth Factor ( CGF)

CGF is a unique group of substance only present in a nucleus of Chlorella making up to 18% of its total weight. It is very rich in nucleic acids ( RNA and DNA) plus other substances such as amino acids, peptides, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and beta- glucans. It was first extracted by electrophoresis using hot water in early 1950's by Dr. Fujimaki of the People's Scientific Centre in Tokyo. CGF promotes healthy growth in young children and young animals.There was a study that shows, in the group who were responsible for Chlorella's consumption, has shown a rapid growth and cell reproduction. CGF is 100% water- soluble and is responsible for the awesome ability of Chlorella to heal and rejuvenate the human body so fast, by repairing damaged cells and tissue, and stimulates the growth of new and healthy ones which makes Chlorella one of the most complete and nutritious superfoods on the Planet.
