Side-Effects of Ketogenic Diet and How to control it

As a precaution, you should always check with a general practitioner before you start a Ketogenic diet. You should especially be wary if you or anyone in your family has any pre-existing Kidney, Hearth or Diabetic conditions.

Osteoporosis and Kidney Stones:

High- Protein diets have also been shown to cause people to excrete a large amount of calcium in their urine. Over a prolonged period of time, this can increase a period's risk of osteoporosis and Kidney stones. A diet that increases Protein at the expense of a very restrictive intake of plant carbs may be bad for bones, but not necessarily a high- protein intake alone.

Kidney Failure:

Consuming too much protein puts a strain on kidneys, which can make a person susceptible to kidney disease.

Thyroid, Hearth, Blood Pressure:

There are limited researches- based- evidence that may suggest ketosis can cause a short-lived increase in the body levels of Adrenaline and Cortisol for a small subgroup of people. In turn, these increased levels of hormones can cause thyroid issues, heart irregularities, and elevated blood pressure for some.


Flu-like symptoms


can cause headaches for some people if you might feel a little lightheaded.

Fatigue and Dizziness:

As you start dumping water, you will lose minerals such as salt, potassium, and magnesium. Having lower levels of these minerals will make you very tired or dizzy, give you muscle cramps and headaches. This is one of the most common of the low carb diet side effects, and it can be avoided for the most part by making sure you get enough replacement minerals.

Hypoglycemia Episodes

The body is used to releasing a certain amount of insulin to take care of the glucose which gets created from all the carbs you eat. When you push your carb intake, there initially may be occasional bouts of low blood sugar.
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