Alkaline Diet and how can affect me

- The Alkaline Diet is also known as the Acid-Alkaline ash diet. It is based around the idea that the foods you eat can alter the acidity or alkalinity ( the pH value) of your body. When you metabolize foods and extract the energy ( calories ) from them, you are actually burning the foods, except that it happens in a slow and controlled fashion.When you burn foods, they leave an ash residue, just like when you burn woods in a furnace.

As it turns out, this ash can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. Proponents of this diet claim that this ash can directly affect your body. If you eat food, that is acidic, you mace your body acidic.If you eat food with alkaline ash, it makes your body alkaline, neutral stays neutral ( which is by the way between 5,5 and 7 pH/scale).

-Acid ash is thought to make you vulnerable to illness and disease, whereas alkaline ash is considered protective.By choosing alkaline foods, you should be able to '' Alkalize'' or ''Oxidate'  your body and improve overall health.

Food groups based on acidity:


  • Meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, grains and alcohol


  • Neutral fats, starches, water


  • Fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables

pH Levels in your Body

- When talking about the alkaline diet, it is important to understand the meaning of pH value. The pH value range is from 0-14. Where 7 pH is Neutral and everything above is alkaline, and everything below is acidic.
Many proponents of this diet suggest that people should monitor the pH value of their urine using test stripes, making sure that it is alkaline. However, it is important to note that the pH value varies greatly within the body.Some parts are acidic, some of them are not.Our stomach, for example, is loaded with hydrochloric acid, giving around 2 to 3,5 pH which is highly acidic.This is necessary to break the food.
On the other hand, human blood is always slightly alkaline, with a pH between 7.3 and7.45.The blood pH value falling out of the normal range is very serious and can be fatal if untreated. However, this only happens during certain disease states and has absolutely nothing to do with the foods you eat on a daily basis.
Bottom line: The pH value is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is.Stomach acid is highly acidic, while blood is slightly alkaline with pH value between 7.3 and 7.45.

I think this is one more reason to call upon quote to ''stay positive'' as much as you can!
