Advantages of Ketogenic Diet

Keto Diet has a long list of benefits and can be used as fast as one week while developing gradually over a period of three weeks.

Weight Loss:

When a body is burning fat as the main source of energy, it will be essentially be taking from your fat stores since you are in a fasting state. Studies show that people on low carb diet lose more weight and faster than people on low-fat diets.This is true even when the low-fat dieters are actively restricting calories.

Severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes or the metabolic syndrome lost more weight during six months on a carb-restricted diet than on a calorie and fat-restricted diet, whit a relative improvement in insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels, even after adjustments for the amount of weight loss.

A low carb diet appears to be an effective method for short-term weight loss in overweight adolescents and does not harm the lipid profile.

A recent study showed up, that between two controlled groups involving 63 obese men and woman who were randomly assigned to either a low carb, high protein, high-fat diet or a low calorie, high carb, low fat ( conventional) diet. The low carb diet produced greater results over one year span and greater overall health results.

Also, a study from John Hopkins University School of Medicine confirms that a higher fat, low carb diet is not determined by vascular health and results in faster weight loss.The Authors confirmed that the dieters in a low carb group dropped more weight over a shorter period of time than the higher carb group, and the low carb group had no harmful changes in vascular health.

Lower blood pressure:

Low carb diets are very effective at reducing blood pressure. Talk with your doctor if you are on blood pressure medication before starting.

Improved Cholesterol Profile:

Shown to improve triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels most associated with arterial buildup.

Stabilized Blood Sugar and Diabetes Treatment:

The Low carb Keto diet improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 Diabetes such that diabetes medications were discontinued or reduced in most participants.However, such patients whose are on medication should be under the close medical supervision or capable of adjusting their medication.

Lack of hunger:

Ketone bodies dampen the appetite, plus fat is naturally more satisfying and ends up leaving us in a satiated, full state for longer.
Symptoms of negative affect and hunger improved to a greater degree in patients following a Keto Diet compared with those following a Low Fat Diet.

As you probably heard already, advantages are many, but there is also a way on how to START with Keto Diet correctly in order to extract any kind of mistake based on your current situation:

My strategy on preventing myself making a mistake:

1.  Controlling my Ketosis on regular basis

Home Set on Ketosis

2. Eating smart rather than eating every day the same meal/ diversity is the Key:

Ketogenic Diet Free Cookbook

3. Or if you prefer, My advice to you to get a specific meal Plan based on your Body type, lifestyle and eating habits.A great book by Natalie Kordon

Keto Diet Meal Plan
