We can’t overstate the awesomeness of German engineering. The
land that brought us jet planes, the Mercedes, and Heidi Klum also
introduced perhaps the best method of body Recomposition know n to the
fitness industry —that is, a timeless strategy to gain muscle and lose body fat
simultaneously . Achtung!
Hala Rambie, a scientist who defected to West  Germany during the Cold War,
found that fat loss could be accelerated by raising lev els of blood lactate—an
energy substrate. M ore lactate corresponds to greater release of grow th
hormone, w hich tells y our body to grow muscle and burn flab.
The best way to raise lactate quickly is to pair upperand
lower-body exercises, or opposing movements, for
reps in the 8–15 range. The sweet spot for sets is three,
and rest periods are restricted to 30–60 seconds. This
approach has since become known as German Body Comp.Alternate sets of “A ” and “B” exercises. So you’ll do a set of A , rest, then a
set of B, rest again, and so on for all the prescribed sets. The remaining
exercises are done as straight sets.
To increase the intensity, decrease your rest between
sets by 15 seconds every two weeks. Start by resting 60
seconds for the first two weeks. Then in Weeks 3 and 4,
rest 45 seconds, and so on.Each exercise is assigned a tempo 3-1-1-0.(A “0” indicates no time—simply move on to the next digit.) For example, a
front squat with a tempo of 3110 would be done like so: Take three seconds
to lower yourself into the squat. Pause for one second at the bottom. Take
one second to come back up to standing, and then go right back into the
Hyson,Sean.The Best Body-Recomposition Workout by Joe Dowel,C.S.C.S.In:`` The Men`s Fitness Exercise Bible(Hg),2013.S.76-79.
