Sprinter Technique

Each one has its individual technique. The orientation to the worlds is summarized in ideal norms. There are still static and functional norms. A mixture of the own functional and static norms can produce the individual idiell-functional standard.
 The contact time on the ground should be as short as possible and optimal transmission of the force.
This meant that the leg almost always had to be stretched out ( to so called Dorsi flexion), after the ground contact in order to provide a good acceleration force. It is also very important how to move the arms. The arms have to work with a sprint technique Arms are able to be faster. The angle of the arm is about 90 ° open. Also important is that I am a real cross coordination in my runs.Left arm-right leg etc. where the hips as far as possible inside (short path = great speed).
The goal is to bring as much harmony as possible to the front. Therefore, the top skater is inclined forward at the start, so that very little energy goes into the vertical. In this situation, I believe that the imprinting phase of the rider is the body, the Sprinter will then try to keep his speed at least. This is the so-called "cycling" phase. Whenever a sprinter goes up with the body and then it would be for me not more meaningful to keep the upper body forward, that was hindered the movement forward (unfavorable for the trunk angle).
 The technique is very decisive for the time. Sprinter are all running with the prefabrication technique. All other techniques such as, for example, or heel techniques or middlefoot techniques are given a slightly slow impulse in this case (sprinting technique) (use). Frontfoot is favorable when trying to pull the ground under the body backwards away. This gets its main point of impact above or in front of its foot and drive acts positively, thus forward.
