A Proceeding Steps that I wish for all my Athletes as much as I wish for my self

  1. Set Goals!
*Engage yourself with a Higher level of thinking, synthesizing the outcome.Visualize, Prepare!

2. Identify and Don`t tolerate Problems!

* Perception. Intolerance of badness is not the solution ( regardless of severity).Synthesis the whole spectrum around you.

3. Diagnose the Problems to root causes!

* Hyper-logical modus! Willing to: `` Touch the Nerve``, seeing multiple Possibilities during any current circumstances.

4. Design a Plan for eliminating the Problems!

 * Visualisation! Procrastination! Creativity above all!

5. Do what you set out in your Plan!

* Self-discipline! Good working Habits, result orientated.Proactivity is the Key to all of these!

- Write everything on a piece of paper! Cherish it day after day! Start scheduling your Appointments.

 ...And then Pause and Reflect
       Start from No 1 again
